Work From Home Tips!

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Work is Worship! It is the thumb rules that everyone tries to abide by. With an increase in technology and connectivity, one can work from anywhere inconsiderate of routine challenges. Work from home has become a very common practice these days that every organization is trying to follow to increase its’s productivity.

Below are a few tips that can make work from home easier for you:

1. Say No to Bed

Prefer working on a table and chair. Sitting on the bed all day long not only makes you feel dizzy but also deforms your posture leading to back or shoulder ache. Find yourself a comfortable chair with some cushion to keep you active all day long.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

2. Take Breaks

Being in the office we tend to take frequent coffee breaks or just to chit chat with our colleagues.
While at home we often forget to get up form the spot. Don’t forget that taking a small break will help your brain to focus better, even a small music break could refresh you.

Image by William Iven from Pixabay

3. Internet Connection

If you have a job that requires you to log in to servers or need regular interaction with your team members/ clients across the nation, make sure that you have good internet connectivity as no matter how dedicated you are if you fail to communicate to the client when required doesn’t give a good impression.

4. Keep Your Devices Charged

Even if you have a Power Back up, it is always advised to keep your laptop and phone charged to avoid discharging and hindrance in work.

5. Follow the Same Schedule

Start on time and finish on time. While working from home we feel to have an extra hour of sleep or wind up some household chores! Following the same schedule as of office saves us from any extra working hours or any leftover assignment

follow schedule
Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash

6. Set Up Your Table

To avoid any distractions and have a good working environment make sure that your table has all the essentials ready. This can include- Water bottle, stationery you use, chargers, calculator, mouse, mouse pad, earphones, etc ready with you.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

7. Light and Room Temperature

Room temperature and lights influence us a lot. Desk lamp with Eye Saving Light and Ideal room temperature -not too hot nor too cold- is just perfect for you!

I hope these tips help you make your work from home more productive!

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