Valentine ♥

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February, the season of love. 

Sneaking through the car window, all I could see was roses, heart balloons, couples laughing out loud and enjoying each other’s company, yeah it was the valentine week. 

Recalling the teenage years, when I used to fantasize about Valentine’s day, I kinda smirked at myself. We all have dreamed about a prince charming or a beautiful princess, hoping to live that fairy tale once we find THE ONE. 

When we do find THE ONE we realize that love is not a cakewalk, rather a ride with all ups and downs, and go on this ride with your THE ONE. 

You understand that it’s not about the number of romantic dinner dates you go, but capturing those precious moments when you cook together are the ones that stay for long. 
It’s not just about posting a relationship status on social media, rather it’s about supporting each other every day to strengthen the relationship.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Marriage is a lot more than being called love birds. It’s about sleepless nights, understanding each other, working together hard to pay the checks, to plan the future. 

It’s about keeping the individuality alive in you along with supporting the other person. 
It’s not just how well you give surprises to each other, Its about how well you cling to each other when life surprises you, in its own way. 
It’s about the faith in each other to jump down together so that you could bounce up higher. 

Don’t just plan for a wedding but prepare yourself for marriage with someone who doesn’t wait for the valentine to show love. 

The tag line ‘and they lived happily ever after’ is too good to be true, I believe in ‘and they ended the day peacefully, to face the next day together!’.

— Bhoomika Lalwani

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3 thoughts on “Valentine ♥

  1. Great explanation of valentine day… In my wife’s words “Love is actually a name of care”….

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