To be continued…

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To be continued
The phrase that increases our curiosity at the end of every episode of our favorite series and then we eagerly wait for the next episode.

Speaking of series, The Big Bang Theory is certainly one of the most popular shows that have made everyone laugh.
On the contrary, one episode that made me cry was Season 6 Episode 21. Rings any bell?

In this episode, it is portrayed how the genius mind Sheldon has a closure obsession where he has to make sure that everything is completed. For example, watching the last episode of a series, completing a tic-toe game, reciting a rhyme, finishing a sentence, and the list goes on.

Amy explains that there’s a whole field of behavioral neuroscience that examines ways to retrain one’s neural stuff like this bothers few and she helps Sheldon to recondition his brain so that the need for the completion isn’t so overwhelming.

Amy, a good neurologist tried her best to help Sheldon overcoming his obsession. However, at the end of the episode, we see that as soon as Amy leaves, Sheldon reperforms all the activities till the end. Once done, he feels relieved.

The episode has tried to present this issue in a humorous way. The reason why it made me upset is the weird truth that many people out there, less or more, often find themselves in a mental state of NFCC i.e Need for Cognitive Closure.

In simple terms, NFCC is a strong desire for having the closure of any task or having a satisfactory answer to one’s question.
Having NFCC affects people, starting from getting a bit cranky by an unanswered phone-call to having sleepless nights, being irritated, even causing anxiety by an unsettled argument or discussion.

Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

Accepting an abrupt or unexpected ending is difficult for them. This makes them stick to the situation either emotionally (by overthinking) or physically (continued efforts), expecting a natural end. Phrases like, “Let’s not discuss” or “let’s do this later” makes them more eager to do it there and then!

One may also browse through the internet to learn the biological reason behind this.

We live in a world where closure is not always an option. We come across many people who become irresponsive at certain times, their act of not answering or not taking the responsibility of their actions affects us.

People struggling with NFCC are often considered as clingy or impatient. Like others, they fail to ignore the incompletion or the delay. No matter how hard they try, the brain pokes them for closure or for an answer! Some say meditation helps in overcoming this.

All of us, being part of the society often judge or even give up on such people who don’t handle situations very well or get anxious every other day due to some or no reason. Trying to give a thought about all this, I feel how difficult it can be for one who is not blessed with ignorance.

Image by Małgorzata Tomczak from Pixabay

Now when our society is opening up to discuss mental health, let’s acknowledge that there may be some people who are also struggling with the inner self as well.

We in our social circle might find such people and unknowingly we judge them. Obviously, we cannot find a solution to heal them instantly, but we can surely lift them up by imparting them our patience and support.

Everyone has their own story, you being kind could be a beautiful page in their story.

To be continued…

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