Mai Apni Favorite Hun ◔ ⌣ ◔

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Running through a busy day, trying to make the best of it, we often miss spending time with ourselves. While consistently trying to excel in our studies, work, relationships we fail to give ourselves the attention we need to. Getting away from the world for a while and be lost, is all that we desire the most at times.

Being a fan of Shakespeare, I loved the way he included Soliloquies in his dramas, leaving a character alone to himself so that he may reach his innermost thoughts and consciousness. Shakespeare portrayed very well, how self-talk can bring a difference in your life.

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

Why really self-talk is necessary for daily life?

  1. You need a bit of expert advice– We make multiple decisions every day. Many of them knowingly or unknowingly get influenced by our peers. Talking to yourself gives you the clarity of what exactly you need and what exactly you want. Yes, that difference is all that matters! And trust me, you are the best person who can help you in your situation.
Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay
  1. To Declutter your thoughts– While being social we absorb so much from others. But do we really need to keep all of them? It’s important for us to filter our thoughts. To let go of the negativity, criticism, jealousy and embrace the vibes that make us feel good. 
Image from Pixabay
  1. You too need a break- Today, in the world of 21st Century, humans work no less than machines. Even machines need frequent maintenance, then why not us? Going out into nature, having an evening cup of coffee energizes you for another day.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
  1. To Rebuild the Trust in you– Many times you feel let down in life. To lift up yourself, you’ve got to adore yourself. Tell yourself “You’re doing your best and you can do it!” Remember, before making the world love you, you need to love yourself.

Escaping from the world and talking to yourself nourishes your heart, soul, and mind. Make sure that you spend time with yourself!

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