Lockdown Entertainment

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Coronavirus! Lockdown! – sometimes I just feel that why isn’t this just a nightmare, why isn’t this winding down now. This is really tough time for the entire world, everyone’s mind is filled up with uncertainty about what the future would bring. More than the threat from disease, it’s the threat from growing anxiety, the threat from thinking about the uncertainty that is causing a lot of panic among the people.

There’s an ongoing lockdown across the entire nation – to control the spread of the virus, break the chain and flatten the curve. Some terms that we all are very well aware of by now.

As it’s said, we can change the situation by changing the perspective. Instead of being anxious during the lockdown , we can take this as an opportunity to focus a bit on those little things of life that need our attention.

I am mentioning below some productive things one can do these days at home!

1. Spend Time with Family

Everyone, these days, falls short of time. Family, our utmost priority, is often left out in our busy schedule. Eating together, filling up each other with what’s going on, playing games, recollecting memories, etc. refreshes our soul.

Image by kie-ker from Pixabay

2. Pursue Hobby

Following a hobby gives us JOY. Picking up your hobby again – dancing, singing, playing any musical instrument, art & craft, etc. give us a break from a monotonous schedule and environment.

3. Cooking

Learning to cook for self -survival or Trying out new dishes, experimenting with different recipes brings a chef in you.

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

4. Organize Your Room

A chair full of clothes, a pile of papers, a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear, all this makes up the room messy. Dedicating a day to organize your room is worthwhile.

5. Groom Up Yourself

Oh, Dark Circles! Oh, Pimple! Office-home-office gives us no time to retain our natural beauty. Take this time to pamper yourself. A homemade facemask or pedicuring your foot with lemon and salt can relax you.

6. Exercise or Diet

Sitting all day on laptops and ordering from Swiggy has become our lifestyle. Detoxification, exercise or diet can give our body some relief from the extra toxins in our body.

7. Make your To-Do List

Do you miss out on things too often? Plan yourself, make a To-Do list of near-future and Get Set Go!

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

8. Board or Cards Game

Playing a board game like chess/ludo/carom or card games like Poker/Teen Patti etc. can be a good exercise for your brain.

9. Clean your Inbox

Yes! You know that your mailbox is so full of spam and other unwanted messages. Getting bored, open up your mailbox and free up some space in your mailbox.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

10. Learn Something New

A new day is a new chapter of your life. Add to this something new daily. Learn a new fact, a new course or a new book that you always planned to study and share it with your fellow buddies.

11. Pray

Escaping from everything else, find some time to be thankful to God for everything. A relationship with God makes you keep going!

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

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