He Never Stops Investing in ME.

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Is this company going in Loss?

Shall I stop investing in it?

Will this stock ever be profitable?

Shall I withdraw all my investments?

Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash

It’s common to over-hear such discussions now and then. Indians were somehow getting along with the trade war impact, and right then the coronavirus hit the world.

The internet, newspapers are full of the hard-time this world is now facing. Not only health, but the worldwide economy is also adversely affected. Speaking of the economy, there’s a bloodbath going on in Dalal Street.

Surfing through the internet, analyzing the statistics—how the stock market is divided into the green and red zone. One gets alert and stops investing if a particular stock is going down.

It was during one of these discussions when this realization hit me. Often in life, we are low, we fail in keeping the almighty commandments— We are in LOSS, in SINS and have nothing to offer to God or his people.

Those are the times when people quit on us, seeing that we are of no worth to them. Its human nature to invest more in profits and step back from losses, whether its business or relationships.

We face relationships that are nothing more than a balance of profit and loss. In our lowest phase, its God who continues to invest in us.

He invests His Love, he keeps faith in us that we will switch from that red zone to green.

1 John 4:19 states “We love because he first loved us.”

What a great feeling it is to have an amazing God, who loves us even when we fail to love ourselves. Whenever we reach out to him, He draws us closer to him.

Today, you might feel left out by the world but have faith—GOD NEVER STOPS INVESTING IN YOU!

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