Control Over Mess

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1. Introduction

Control Over Mess – I am sure this would have happened with you several times that you get stuck in a troublesome situation, you’ve tried everything you could and now you just want someone to help you come out of it.

2. Analogy

I’ve been working in the telecom sector since the beginning of my career. In simple terms, my work involves operating on the servers that allow you to make phone calls or browse the internet.

Since during night hours there is minimized usage of phones, we often work on night shifts – 12 AM to 6 AM so that customer services are least affected.

The expectation while working on these servers is that no matter what,
by 6 AM, everything should be back to normal – all calls/internet/SMS everything should work for every customer. Since the tasks are generally critical, we are assigned with an expert for support, called Subject Matter Expert (SME).

Someone is made an SME – only if he/she is an expert and has many years of experience, knows every bit of the machine and has come across almost all kinds of issues—and knows how to SOLVE them before the deadline.

It’s always suggested that after a certain period of time if anyone fails to resolve any issue or if anyone makes any mistakes or if they feel that they are not competent enough to do the task, they should simply handover the server to the SME so that he/she works on it before the deadline and make sure everything works smoothly!

3. Explanation

We in life often struggle with our problems in trying to solve them before the deadline. While trying hard to solve, we mess it up by ourselves. Sometimes the battle is beyond our control! Friends, this is to encourage you. God knows our problems. He, is an expert. Trust Him, He is capable enough to take control over our mess and turn it into blessings.

A mind full of worries and a heart burdened with fear can never be at peace. God wants us to be free from worries.

When the anxiety of “what will happen”, “what if”, “what if not!” creeps into our heart, we can handover all to our faithful Father above. Nothing in our lives is too big for God to handle.

He knew it before we messed up things. He knows how to fix it! The fear of all uncertainty tomorrow brings doesn’t scare HIM. Surrendering our lives, our problems to God would restore peace in us.

Every time you find yourself in midst of a mess, remind yourself GOD is in Control!!

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

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