Coming Out In The Waters!!

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I can’t imagine spending my whole life locked out in a dark room 

These months have been so alarming for all of us to think where we are locked in our lives. 

We never paid a thought to it but somewhere not just physically but yes also mentally and emotionally or spiritually we have jailed ourselves in places where we fear to come out.  

We often tried to look out from the window 

Maybe to reach out to our dreams, to overcome our shortcomings, stand over our failures but yet settled down again closing those windows. 

There’s a story in the bible which tells about the disciples of Jesus facing a storm while they were in the boat. 

And they realized someone walking over those waters calming them down

And realized that the water which was about to gulp is under submission now. 

One of the disciples asked Jesus and went out and take a leap of faith and said I want to walk on waters as you do and Jesus called Him out and He walked.  

You know God and His Love and grace wrap us so that we may come out in the waters which makes us fearful of getting drown in our lives.  

But trusting God and having faith can help you come out of the places you’ve locked yourself considering it a safe place

You’re made to walk on waters 

Come out.

~Ps. Abhishek Kathuria

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